Stojan’s 10th anniversary was celebrated in February this year and his cake came with the words: “10 years of guidance, ninja coding, amazing tech skills, and the calmest voice there is”.
Read about what it means to grow and evolve along with your company, through Stojan’s experience as one of the first team members.
How long have you been with our company?
If you can imagine that 10 years can pass in one day, then I can say I have been here since yesterday.
Has your role evolved over the years?
Our company has a flat hierarchy, so the way you evolve is by growing through your role. When I first started, the concept of flat hierarchy was not very clear to me. Before that, I had always thought company organisations function like ladders, therefore people climb through roles higher and higher and never go back down. I have experienced many roles here, and it’s felt more like riding a wave instead of climbing a ladder. Each role made me evolve as a professional, as the organisation kept growing. I am currently the Head of Software Development, and some of my roles through the years have been Developer, QA, Tech Lead, Team Lead, Architect, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Consultant Manager, Forum Coordinator, Academy Coordinator, and others, not in that particular order and some of them more than once. Therefore, what I now realise is that the role itself is not very important, it’s important that you fit into it and get the most value out of it, for yourself, for the team, and for the company.
Are you still evolving? Any plans about your future career steps?
I evolve every day – with every old or new role, I experience and learn something new. So, I am just trying to catch the wave and ride it the best I can.
What’s your favourite thing about: your job, your company, favourite work moment?
JOB: The job allows me to experience and learn new things every day, by solving different problems and challenges.
COMPANY: Being in a “company” of such great and inspiring people.
FAVOURITE WORK MOMENT: When we solve a problem together and then celebrate and praise the Gods to send us an even better one.
Tell us more about being an IT Consultant? What does it mean to you personally?
It means not only working for the client but working with the client. It means not only implementing their solution but understanding their problem and working together to find the best solution for that problem.
To me personally it means a lot of new people, business domains, and technologies. In the end, it’s great to be heard, acknowledged, and able to make an impact.
Do you have any unique processes of problem solving that you use to help our clients?
I always try to see the bigger picture, understand the root cause of the problem and the impact and value of resolving it. It helps me to fine-tune to the client’s frequency, approach the solution with better confidence and self-motivation.
How was it in the beginning? Hanging out, working, describe how you see the growth of our company over the years?
Although a lot has changed: people, clients, projects, technologies, organisation, offices, DJs, toilet seat covers, these remain constant: great communication, relaxed and inspiring work atmosphere, lust for more knowledge, and best parties.

What’s your contribution to the company that is today? How have you changed the company and how has it changed you?
We have grown together, we learned from each other’s mistakes, and we managed to overcome them together. I feel that I’ve become a better person, learned a lot, and have grown into a professional, all thanks to our company. I honestly hope that the company feels the same about me, but you’ll have to ask it yourself.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Read, ride my MTB, enjoy nature.
Anything you would like to share with our audience, or perhaps future team members?
Be yourself and try to find where you fit in best. Don’t be shy or afraid to ask anything/anyone. Why? Get involved in internal activities. Learn from others and let them learn from you, even if it’s not IT related. Find out what it takes to be a consultant and become one.
Thanks for letting me be a part of your story!